Figure 6. Rab6A inhibits KIF1C microtubule colocalization in cells.
(A) Localization of KIF1C in MeOH-fixed HeLa cells transiently transfected with CFP-KIF1C-350, CFP-KIF1C-400, or full-length CFP-KIF1C. Scale bar, 10 µm. (B) Localization of CFP-KIF1C-350 or CFP-KIF1C-350 Loop 6/10 mutant ± Rab6A in MeOH-fixed Vero cells. Three examples are shown for each condition. Scale bar, 10 µm. Image levels were adjusted identically. (C) Mean KIF1C-microtubule co-localization measured by Pearson's correlation over KIF1C segmented objects from cells such as those shown in B (error bars = SE, >80 cells/condition). CFP-KIF1C-350 + Rab6A was statistically different from the other populations (p < 0.001). Below, average total fluorescence intensity of CFP-KIF1C and mCherry-Rab6A from similarly treated cells fixed in paraformaldehyde and quantified (error bars = SE, >100 cells/condition). Differences in total KIF intensity were not statistically significant between any of the populations (p > 0.05). Total Rab6A intensity was not statistically significant between the non-treated populations or between the treated populations (p > 0.05).