Figure 9. KIF1C over-expression stabilizes the Golgi in nocodazole treated cells.
(A) Golgi morphology of HeLa cells incubated with or without nocodazole in the presence of the indicated over-expressed KIF1C construct. Scale bar, 10 µm. (B) Golgi structure maintenance, defined as the mean fraction of Golgi staining present in large objects (>2.74 µm²), normalized by KIF1C intensity, in nocodazole-treated cells (bars = SE, >85 cells/condition). KIF1C wild type over-expressing cells were statistically different from KIF1C loop mutant and ΔCBD cells but not KIF1C K103A expressing cells (p < 0.01). (C) Perinuclear KIF1C forms contacts with the Golgi. CFP-KIF1C-transfected cells in the presence (left column) or absence (right columns) of co-transfected mCherry-Rab6A were incubated with nocodazole for the indicated times and treated with liquid nitrogen prior to fixation to release cytosolic proteins. KIF1C localization (wild type or K103A as indicated, green) was monitored in relation to the trans Golgi marker, GCC185 or to the co-expressed mCherry-Rab6A (red). Magnified areas are indicated with a box and shown in the middle two rows. Scale bars, 5 µm.