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. 2015 Apr 22;10(4):e0125000. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125000

Table 3. The organisms, conditions, replicate numbers, and descriptions of the six sets of RNA-Seq data.

Data set Organism Conditions Replicates Description
First Mouse Control, two botanicals (Lessertia frutescens and Sambucus nigra), and Nrf2 activator CDDO (2-cyano-3, 12-dioxooleana-1, 9-dien-28-oic acid) No Two mouse fibroblast cell lines: mutant (PGAM5 knock-out) mouse and wild-type mouse.
Second Mouse FruHis (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 mM) in the absence (samples 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F) or presence (samples 2G, 2H, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D) of 4 μM lycopene No Murine prostate adenocarcinoma cells TRAMP-C2 [49] treated in vitro with a novel antioxidant FruHis from tomato [50].
Third Drosophila melanogaster CF (Control Female), CM (Control Male), HMF (H83M2 Female), and HMM (H83M2 Male) Three biological replicates H83M2 is a transgenic stock number, which ectopically expresses MSL2 protein in females [14].
Fourth Drosophila melanogaster CF (Control Female), CM (Control Male), and mF (Meta Female) Three biological replicates Meta female is the triple X female [15].
Fifth Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia wild-type and hae-3 hsl2-3 mutants Three biological replicates There were two fastq files for each sample. One was solexa 1.3 quals output, and the other was Casava 1.8 output. The result files Col and hae-3 hsl2-3 were generated from solexa 1.3 quals outputs and the result files Col_qtrim and hae-3 hsl2-3_qtrim were generated from Casava 1.8 outputs [51].
Sixth Human 1Sfesrrb, 2pc3, 3DY131, and 4ctrl Two biological replicates Samples 1Sfesrrb and 2pc3 were from Experiment 1, and samples 3DY131 and 4ctrl were from Experiment 2. 2pc3 was control for Experiment 1, and 1Sfesrrb was forced to express human Estrogen Related Receptor beta (esrrb), confirmed by real-time PCR. 4ctrl was control for experiment 2. In 3DY131, Esrrb agonist DY131 was added to the culture of DU145 cells at concentration of 3uM for 12 hours.