Table I.
Reporting source | Year reporteda | Total amt. sold for food production animals (million kg) |
Reported sub-therapeutic usageb, million kg (% of total animal amt.) | Total human usage (million kg) | % of total AB sold for animals | Reference |
AHI | 2001 | 8.1 | 1.4 (18%) | 14.6 | 35% | (56) |
UCS | 2001 | 12.5 | 11 (88%) | 3 | 70% | (56) |
USFRA | 2007 | NR | (13%) | NR | NR | (83) |
FDA; Rep. Slaughter | 2009 | 13.1 | NR | 3.3 | 80% | (84,85) |
CSPI, NRDC, this review | 2011 | 13.5 | NR | 3.3 | 80% | (27,80–82) |
NR not reported in publication, amt amount, AB antibiotic, AHI Animal Health Institute, UCS Union of Concerned Scientists, USFRA US Farmers and Ranchers Association, FDA Food and Drug Administration, CSPI Center for Science in the Public Interest, NRDC National Resources Defense Council
aYear reported does not always correspond to year data that was collected/formulated
bReported sub-therapeutic usage, does not differentiate between amounts of antibiotics used for prophylaxis, metaphylaxis, growth promotion, or feed efficiency