Fig. 10.
(A, C) Average [ABA]root in both compartments weighted by RWUF [weighted [ABA]root=(RWUFdry×[ABA]root dry)+(RWUFwet×[ABA]root wet) (mean±SE)] in plants with soil volumetric moisture in the dry compartment above (left of the dashed line dividing each panel) and below (right) 0.22cm3 cm–3. (A) Experiment 1. (C) HPRD versus VPRD in Experiment 2. Different letters denote statistical differences across compartments and groups within the same panel. (B, D) Predicted weighted [ABA]root assuming the observed [ABA]root average in each side, level of soil moisture, and PRD distribution, but with RWUF in the dry side equal to 0.5 when θ v >0.22, and RWUF in dry side equal to 0.25 when θ v <0.22 in Experiment 1 (B) and for HPRD versus VPRD in Experiment 2 (D). Error bars are not applicable in (B) and (D) as they use modelled data.