Figure 8.
Effects of cathepsin inhibitor (E-64) treatment during meiotic maturation on developmental capacity of in vitro fertilized embryos derived from BCB-screened, GV-stage oocytes. Cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) from control, BCB+ and BCB− oocytes were cultured with or without 10 µM cathepsin inhibitor E-64 during in vitro maturation (45-50 COCs per group, 4 replicates). After subsequent in vitro fertilization, presumptive zygotes were cultured until d 7. Effect of E-64 supplementation during meiotic maturation on (A) early cleavage rate (determined at 30 hpi), (B) total cleavage rate (determined 48 hpi), (C) proportion of embryos developing to the 8-16 cell stage (72 hpi) and (D) blastocyst formation rate (d 7). Data are shown as mean ± standard error. Values with different superscripts across treatments indicate significant differences (P < 0.05).