Figure 1.
One compartment liposome model (histamine-containing giant liposomes) imaged with a J105 -3D Chemical Imager. Data shown are from the second layer of analysis after the first image acquisition removed the surface of the sample exposing the liposome interior. Acquisition time: 22 min/layer; pixel resolution of 500 nm/pixel, analysis area: 130 × 130 μm2; 256 × 256 pixel images were acquired with a primary ion dose density of 2.42 × 1013 ions-cm−2/layer. a) An overlay of PC (m/z 184.1, red), silicon (m/z 111.9, blue) and histamine (m/z 112.1, green). b) Ion image of PC at m/z 184.1. c) Ion image of silicon at m/z 111.9. d) Ion image of histamine at m/z 112.1. e) Mass spectrum from image showing the two peaks at m/z 112.