Fig. 3.
Bn-FAE1.1 expression in rapeseed embryos. a RT-PCR analysis of Bn-FAE1.1 and Bn-FAE1.2 gene expression during embryo development. Numbers are stage of embryo development in days after fertilisation (DAF), expression of RPL2 gene controls quantity of RNA. RT presence or absence of reverse transcriptase. M size marker co-migrated in 49 DAP negative control lane. b Structure of the Bn-FAE1.1 promoter. A sequence of 857 bp amplified from the region upstream of the Bn-FAE1.1 open reading frame was fused to the UIDA (GUS) gene. The locations of several putative cis-element landmarks are indicated. The transcription start site is indicated by arrow, adenine of start codon is positioned at +18. c Bn-FAE1.1 expression in reproductive tissues of Bn-pFAE1.1 857 ::GUS lines. A opened young silique. B, C early cotyledonary stage embryos. D–F mid-cotyledonary stage embryos. G–I late cotyledonary stage embryos. Embryo in I is from a non-transformed plant