Table 5.
Genes under positive selection (using FDR < 0.05) across the whole phylogeny (5 taxa tree)
OrthoDB group id a | Gene b | Classification sites c | Total ratio d | Likelihood | p-value q-value e | BH-corrected sites f | Positively selected |
EOG6KKWHX | argonaute-2 | Small RNA regulatory pathway members | 810 | 31.839 | 0.00000 | 0.00001 | 22W, 25N, 41S, 55S, 56N, 57S, 69L, 73D, 85D, 95I, 329S, 346N, 450F, 692L, 693R |
EOG66DJHX-2 | dscam | Immunoglobulin | 489 | 44.704 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 2M, 4A, 13A, 20R, 24I, 26T, 28P, 31K, 33I, 34H, 451G, 452G |
EOG6QRFKP | CLIP-C1B | CLIP serine protease | 330 | 13.650 | 0.00109 | 0.03063 | 14L, 15Q, 66L, 72M, 118A, 132L, 195Q, 313N |
EOG6VX0M3 | ark | Caspase | 1128 | 17.871 | 0.00013 | 0.00619 | 495S, 629T, 904G, 954T, 988F |
EOG64B8H5 | CLIP-A10 | CLIP serine protease | 792 | 14.259 | 0.00080 | 0.02824 | 1I, 3H, 20V, 318T |
aGroup identifiers are from OrthoDB 6 (
bUnless otherwise specified, gene names are taken from the A. mellifera or D. melanogaster orthologs.
cTotal number of codons in the alignment after trimming with Gblocks.
dComparison of model M7 versus M8.
eMultiple test correction by the method of Benjamini and Hochberg to control the false discovery rate (only groups where FDR < 0.05 are shown).
fSites are classified as under positive selection if the Bayesian posterior probability > 0.75 (>0.95 in bold italic). Sites where are Italic.
Reference sequence taken from A. mellifera.