Figure 4. GUR-3 is required for the I2 response to light and is sufficient to confer light-sensitivity to normally light-insensitive neurons and muscle.
(A) Representative example of the adult I2 calcium response (GCaMP3) to light (485 nm, 26 mW/mm2). Scale bar = 10 μm.
(B) Light caused a calcium increase in all three compartments of I2. n = 20 cells.
(C) I2 was most sensitive to shorter wavelengths of light. n = 10 cells per data point.
(D) gur-3 mutants were completely defective in the I2 response to light. n ≥ 22 cells.
(E) I2-specific gur-3 expression restored the I2 response to light in gur-3 mutants. n = 24 cells.
(F) lite-1 mutants exhibited a normal I2 response to light. n ≥ 20 cells.
(G) Quantification of the peak calcium response in I2 in response to light.
(C-G) The posterior neurite of I2 was analyzed.
(H) AWC-specific gur-3 expression caused an increase in AWC calcium in response to light, as measured by GCaMP3. n ≥ 16 cells.
(I) AWB-specific gur-3 expression caused an increase in AWB calcium in response to light, as measured by GCaMP3. n ≥ 11 cells.
(J) URX-specific gur-3 expression caused a calcium increase in five of 12 URX neurons, as measured by GCaMP. An average of the five responsive neurons is shown.
(K) Quantification of the effect of ectopic gur-3 expression on somatic neuronal calcium in response to light.
(L) Quantification of the effect of gur-3 expression in the HSN neurons as measured by egg-laying induced by 20 s of light.
(M) Quantification of the effect of gur-3 expression in body wall muscle as measured by a reduction in light avoidance during 20 s of light.
Shading around traces and error bars indicate s.e.m. *** p < 0.001, t-test or Mann-Whitney test, compared to corresponding wild-type or indicated strain. Transgenes containing “I2” refer to the flp-15 promoter, “AWC” to the odr-1 promoter, “AWB” to the odr-1 promoter, “HSN” to the egl-6a promoter, and “MUS” to the myo-3 promoter. Light for (A, B, D-G) was 485 nm, 26 mW/mm2; light for (H-K) was 485 nm, 10 mW/mm2; and light for (L, M) was 436 nm, 13 mW/mm2.
See also Figures S7 and S8 and Movie S2.