Exogenous RNA uptake in WCR. (A) WCR midgut and fat body tissue cultures incubated with labeled long dsRNA and siRNA for 15 h. Both Cy3-labeled long dsRNA (240 bp) and siRNA (21 bp) were taken up by fat body cells, but only Cy3-labeled long dsRNA and not siRNA were internalized by midgut tissue (scale bar, 50 μM). (B) WCR midgut (MG) and fat body (FB) co-cultures Cy3-labeled siRNA were taken up by only fat body tissue but not by midgut tissue (upper panel) (scale bar, 50 μM). Higher magnification of Cy3-labeled siRNA internalization in fat body tissue (lower panel) (scale bar, 5 μM). In both panels, DAPI (blue signal) reveals nuclear DNA staining.