Trp-76 is inserted into micelles. Paramagnetic relaxation effect of MnEDTA and 5-DSA on VpuCyto in DHPC micelles characterized using differential signal intensities measured from 1H-15N HSQC spectra. A, relative intensity measured before and after addition of MnEDTA reveals that the Trp-76 amide and its indole are relatively unaffected compared with VpuCyto N-terminal, C-terminal, and loop regions, which are comparatively more exposed to aqueous solvent. B, relative intensity measured before and after addition of 5-DSA, demonstrating the largest effects on Trp-76 and its indole, which supports a structure where Trp-76 is embedded in the micelles. C, a schematic demonstrating the accessibility of MnEDTA (purple) and 5-DSA (red) in the DHPC micelles.