Fig 3. An eLIF model with a large ΔT value accurately captures membrane voltage properties observed in stellate cells.
(A) Plot of I-V curves from eLIF models using different ΔT (2, 5, 15 mV) values, as well as a completely passive model. (B) Plot of input resistance as a function of membrane voltage for models outlined in A. Note, average stellate cell values are best matched by an eLIF using a ΔT value of 15 mV. (C) Voltage trajectories for initial spike approach (i) and interspike interval (ii) for models outlined in A. For comparison, average stellate cell trajectories are also shown. (D) f-V curves for models outlined in A. (F) Plot comparing experimental values for power-law function exponent in stellate cells and eLIF model using a ΔT of 15 mV.