Extended Data Figure 7. HSV1 UL12 M185 expression is sufficient to trigger mtDNA stress, TFAM depletion, and antiviral priming in BMDM; infection with UL12-deficient HSV-1 fails to induce mtDNA stress, elicits lower vaginal type I interferon responses, and spreads more readily to DRG.
a, WT BMDM were transduced with HSV1 UL12 M185 expressing or empty retroviruses (RV) and relative mtDNA abundance, protein expression, and ISG mRNA expression determined. b, WT MEFs were infected HSV1 (UL12-FLAG) or UL12-deficient HSV1 (UL12Δ + UL98-FLAG) at MOI 10 for 3 hours and analyzed by confocal microscopy. c, WT MEFs were infected HSV1 (UL12-FLAG) or UL12-deficient HSV1 (UL12Δ + UL98-FLAG) at MOI 2 for 24 hours and mtDNA abundance was determined by qPCR. d, The vaginas of WT mice (n=3 per condition) were inoculated with 106 p.f.u. of HSV1 (UL12-FLAG) or UL12-deficient HSV1 (UL12Δ + UL98-FLAG), and 24 hours post infection, vaginal RNA was extracted and gene expression analyzed by qRT-PCR. e, Mice (n=3 per condition) were infected as previously described, and 10 days post infection, DNA from DRG was isolated for mtDNA and HSV-1 genome abundance measurements by qPCR. Error bars indicate ± s.e.m. of triplicates and data are representative of two independent experiments. *=p<0.05, **=p<0.01, ***=p<0.001; unless noted p<0.05, ns=not significant.