a, WT or Tfam+/− MEFs were subjected to digitonin fractionation as described in the Methods and whole cell extracts [WCE], pellets [Pel], or cytosolic extracts [Cyt] were blotted using the indicated antibodies. b, DNA was extracted from digitonin extracts of WT and Tfam+/− MEFs or Tfamflox/flox ERCre− or Tfamflox/flox ERCre+ BMDM incubated in 4OHT for 72hrs. Cytosolic mtDNA was quantitated via qPCR using the mt-Dloop3 primer set. Normalization was performed as described in the Methods. c, Samples were prepared as described in b, and cytosolic mtDNA was quantitated via qPCR using the indicated primer sets. Error bars indicate ± s.e.m. of triplicates and data are representative of three independent experiments.**=p<0.01, ***=p<0.001.