Fig. 1.
Structure of the A. borkumensis YdaH transporter. (a) Transmembrane topology of A. borkumensis YdaH. The transporter contains nine transmembrane helices (TMs) and two hairpins (HPs). (b) Ribbon diagram of a dimer of YdaH viewed in the membrane plane. The right subunit of the dimer is colored using a rainbow gradient from the N-terminus (blue) to the C-terminus (red), whereas the left subunit is colored gray. The YdaH dimer forms a bowl-shaped structure with a concave aqueous basin facing the intracellular solution. (c) Surface representation of the YdaH dimer sliced through the middle of the protein. Each protomer forms an internal cavity (red arrow), which is accessible to the cytoplasm. (d) Bottom view of a surface representation of the YdaH dimer, indicating a solvent accessible cavity (red circle) from each protomer of the protein. The two protomers are colored gray and blue.