Figure 1. NK cells rapidly acquire m157 on their cell surface as a GPI linked protein following incubation with m157 expressing target cells in a cell contact dependent manner.
WT IL-2 stimulated NK cells (LAKs) were incubated with RMA (□) or RMAm157 (●) cells and assessed by flow cytometry for the percentage of LAK cells that were positive for m157 on their cell surface (A) and mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of m157 (B) at various time points (n=3–6 at each time point). WT LAKs were incubated with RMAm157 cells for 2 hours and then treated with PBS as control (n=6) or phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) (n=6) and assessed by flow cytometry for percentage of LAKs that were positive for m157 (C) and MFI of m157 (D). WT LAKs were incubated with RMAm157 cells in the presence (n=6) or absence (n=6) of a transwell. The percentage of LAKs expressing m157 (E) as well as MFI of m157 (F) was assessed by flow cytometry after two hours of incubation. All data are presented as the mean+/− SEM. *p<0.005.