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. 2014 Dec;65:88–101. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.10.009

Table 2.

Externally-paced tapping: timing metrics for each group, from ARMAX model.

Control (N=31) bvFTD (N=20) svPPA (N=11) naPPA (N=4) AD (N=8)
Autocorrelation model statistics
 Intercept (ms)a Mean (SD) 1474 (37.8) 1480 (40.7) 1483 (15.0) 1507 (58.9) 1490 (53.2)
Min, max 1396, 1583 1384, 1570 1452, 1500 1447, 1567 1428, 1605
 Drift (ms)b N (%) negative drift 9 (29) 7 (35) 4 (36) 2 (50) 2 (25)
Mean (SD) drift 19 (32.3) 10 (98.1) 5 (25.4) −86 (161.9) 6 (40.4)
Mean (SD) absolute drift 29 (23.4) 63 (74.5) 19 (16.1) 109 (142.3) 30 (25.2)
Mean (SD) negative drift −17 (11.7) −75 (106.5) −20 (19.1) −195 (175.7) −49 (49.4)
Mean (SD) positive drift 34 (25.5) 56 (54.6) 19 (15.7) 23 (9.8) 24 (14.6)
 Modelled mean IRI (ms) Mean (SD) 1494 (9.2) 1492 (36.3) 1497 (3.8) 1415 (157.3) 1497 (8.8)
Min, max 1455, 1506 1389, 1604 1490, 1503 1179, 1500 1485, 1511
 Lag 1 autocorrelation N (%) between -0.5 and 0 24 (77) 15 (75) 6 (55) 2 (50) 8 (100)
Mean (SD) −0.33 (0.3) −0.15 (0.20) −0.45 (0.19) −0.13 (0.44) −0.24 (0.13)
Min, max −0.97, 0.34 −0.51, 0.21 −0.71, −0.07 −0.59, 0.45 −0.46, −0.08

 Inter-response interval variance (ms2) Mean (SD) 11004 (9749) 18,573 (20,812) 5612 (6150) 35,232 (22,763) 9628 (6042)
Min, max 600, 41,033 1566, 73,334 1290, 22,921 7946, 56,864 2393, 18,054
 Clock variance (ms2) Mean (SD) 3403 (10,605) 16,403 (26,946) −212 (2338) 27,710 (47,858) 5256 (3937)
Min, max −30,825, 40,306 −160, 104,232 −5623, 2830 −10,098, 96,870 406, 11,654
 Motor variance (ms2) Mean (SD) 3800 (6114) 1085 (5653) 2912 (4047) 3761 (23,130) 2186 (1716)
Min, max −2470, 31,653 −15,449, 12,918 236, 14,272 −23,022, 33,481 696, 4777

Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; bvFTD, behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia; naPPA, nonfluent/agrammatic progressive aphasia; svPPA, semantic variant primary progressive aphasia; AD, Alzheimer׳s disease.


Note that the intercept for each participant is the first IRI for each participant, derived after having fitted the model across all taps for each participant. Thus the group means presented here are an indication of how well participants in each group, on average, judged the first tap.


Drift is the difference between first and last IRI.