FIG. 5.
Synchrony analyses for different conditions. (A) Bar plots show the average normalized values of three parameters for synchrony corresponding to three bicuculline concentrations. Error bars stand for ± standard deviation. Light gray, gray and black bars in A represent 1µM, 5µM and 10µM bicuculline group, respectively. One-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc analysis are used to check the significance level in A. 10µM bicuculline group had significantly higher crosscorrelation sum calculated at arbitrary lags than the 1µM bicuculline group; 5µM bicuculline and 10µM bicuculline groups had significantly lower sum of phase variance than the 1µM bicuculline group. However, there was no significant difference within groups in the correlation sum calculated at zero lag. (B) Synchrony analysis for the effect of GABAb disinhibition. Black and gray bars in B represent 100µM carbachol/10µM bicuculline group and the 100µM carbachol/10µM bicuculline/4µM CGP52432 group, respectively. CGP52432 significantly elevated the crosscorrelation sum at both zero lag and at arbitrary lags; however, it did not affect the sum of phase variance when CGP52432 was added. (C) Synchrony analysis for the effect of NMDA receptor blockade. Black and gray bars in C represent 100µM carbachol/10µM bicuculline group and the 100µM carbachol/10µM bicuculline/80µM D-APV group, respectively. There was no significant difference in crosscorrelation sum at any lag between groups nor in the sum of phase variance. Asterisks (*) in A and B indicate significant difference between groups. In A, B and C, Carb: carbachol, bic: bicuculline, CGP: CGP52432.