SAM-generated heatmaps highlight differences between IgM- and IgG-specific autoantibody reactivity between serum samples from patients with pediatric ADEM, adult MS, or pediatric MS. Individual patients are listed above the heat map and the individual antigens are listed to the right of the heat map. Autoantibody reactivities are conveyed with blue, yellow, and red hues representing low, medium, and high reactivity respectively. Differences in serum IgG (A) and IgM (B) reactivity between patients with ADEM and patients with adult MS. Differences in serum IgG (C) and IgM (D) reactivity between patients with ADEM and patients with pediatric MS. Q values for individual SAM analyses are 8.8% in A, 23.1% in B, 16.7% in C, and 33.3% in D. MOBP, myelin-associated oligodendrocyte basic protein; abCrys, alpha-B-crystallin; PLP, proteolipid protein; OSP, oligodendrocyte specific protein; MBP, myelin basic protein; CNPase, 2’,3’ cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase.