Figure 4. Intra-tumour MH decreases from diagnosis to relapse in DLBCL patients.
(a) Epipolymorphism levels are dependent on DNA methylation levels. All the loci were divided into different groups based on their methylation level and median epipolymorphism of each group is calculated. Genome-wide intra-tumour MH was quantified by area under the median line. (b) Median epipolymorphism lines for diagnosis and relapse tumors from patient 1.1 in our cohort. Intra-tumor MH visibly decreased with tumour evolution. (c) Relapsed samples displayed significant lower intra-tumour MH. Out of 13, 12 pairs displayed lower intra-tumour MH. All the loci were located in CGIs. (d) Relapsed samples displayed significant lower intra-tumour MH. All the loci located in gene promoter. Out of 13, 11 pairs displayed lower intra-tumour MH. In c,d, intra-tumour MH was measured by area under median epipolymorphism line in sample-by-sample manner. P values were obtained from paired t-test of intra-tumour MH between diagnosis and relapsed samples.