Figure 1. Energy density profiles.
(a) Ensemble averages of the eigenchannel energy density profiles Wτ(x) for eigenvalues τ=1, τ=0.5, τ=0.1 and τ=0.001 for a diffusive sample with L/ξ=0.05. The black dashed curves are plots of results given by equations (1, 3, 5). (b) Semilog plot of data in a showing results for small values of the energy density. (c) Ensemble averages of energy density profiles for all the transmission eigenchannels with the eigenchannel indices n from 1 to N, . The linear falloff of the average of the energy density over all eigenchannels is in accord with the diffusion theory. (d) Wτ(x) for a sample with half the width and length as the sample in a. Note that, though value of L/ξ is the same as for a, the form of Wτ(x) differs with lower values of the peaks in the shorter sample.