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. 2015 Apr 18;15:32. doi: 10.1186/s12911-015-0159-1

Table 1.

Summary of included primary PHR studies that measured benefit from use of PHR by patients

Author Conditions Benefit Level # of patients Study design and duration Location PHR type and features Evaluation methods Reported Benefits
Wiljer, 2010 [33] Cancer No IV 320 consented, 114 completed study 6 weeks Canada Tethered PHR with access to personal health data (labs and diagnostic imaging), access to support groups and a virtual librarian. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; Stanford Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease No change
Wade-Vuturo, 2013 [34] Diabetes Yes IV 54 patients Crossectional: PHR use >1 year in 43 patients USA Tethered Portal with secure messaging, access to medical records Patient Self-Report; Chart review to assess glycemic control (A1c). Improved Patient Satisfaction with Care
Improved Disease Control
More effective face-to-face visits
Better Pt-Provider Communication
Urowitz, 2012 [21] Diabetes Yes IV 17 patients Crossectional, at least 6 months of access to PHR Canada Standalone PHR with ability to record personal health information and see trends, can also look up health information references. Patient Self-Report Improved Access to own information
Improved access to pt information by provider
Improved ability to self manage
More Activated Patient
Tenforde, 2011 [35] Diabetes Yes IV 10,746 adult patients Retrospective audit over 12 months USA Tethered PHR with secure messaging and access to health record data, reminders for follow up and health information Chart review for diabetes indicators (A1c, LDL-C, BP, BMI). Improved Disease Control
Wald, 2010 [36] Diabetes Yes II 2027 patients prompt 3 weeks prior to encounter. USA Tethered PHR with secure messaging, access to health record data, Journal, and health information. Patient and Provider Self Report Improved Patient Satisfaction with Care
Improved access to pt information by provider
More effective face-to-face visits
More Activated Patient
Hess, 2014 [37] Diabetes (able to extract from paper) Yes IV 504 patients Pre post, one year USA Tethered PHR with reminders for preventive care Patient documentation of care received Improved Disease Control
Fonda, 2009 [38] Diabetes Yes II 104 patients RCT, 52 weeks USA Tethered PHR with secure messaging, access to personal health data, educational materials. Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) validated survey Decreased Patient Distress
Lau, 2014 [39] Diabetes Yes III-3 50 users and 107 non-users 6-24 months Canada Standalone PHR with health information, journaling, entering health data, secure messaging with providers Chart review to monitor A1c control Improved Disease Control
Sarkar, 2014 [40] Diabetes Yes III-3 8705 users with 9055 matched reference group Observational cohort study, 1 year USA Tethered PHR with access to record, secure messaging, renewal requests, and online scheduling. Measured renewal rates for statins over 1 year based on chart data Improved Disease Control
Wald, 2009 [41] Diabetes Yes IV 37 patients 2 week follow up, patients were already using the general PHR as part of inclusion. USA Tethered PHR with secure messaging, access to personal health data, decision support, ability to annotate their health record, care plan. Self Report Improved access to pt information by provider
More effective face-to-face visits
Better Pt-Provider Communication
Grant, 2008 [20] Diabetes No II 244 patients RCT, use of PHR 52 weeks USA Tethered PHR with access to personal health data, decision support, care plans DM indicators: BP control, A1c, LDL-C’ # of primary care visits. No change
van Empel, 2011 [42] Fertility Yes IV 369 couples Cross sectional survey Netherlands Tethered PHR with secure messaging, access to personal health data, social support/forums. Patient Self-Report, Partner Self-Report Improved Continuity
Improved access to health knowledge
Better Pt-Provider Communication
Boland 2014 [43] Glaucoma Yes II 38 intervention; 32 control RCT; 3 months USA PHR that could record patient information and medications; daily reminders by text/phone to intervention group to take medication Adherence monitoring with medication smart cap, patient surveys. Improved medication management
Crouch, 2014 [44] HIV Yes III-3 40 (20 users, 20 non-users) Cross sectional USA Tethered PHR with access to labs, notes, secure communication and medication renewal. Patient Activation Measure More Activated Patient
Improved Disease Control
Gordon, 2012 [45] HIV No IV 112 active users Survey, access up to 114 weeks USA Tethered PHR viewer with access to personal health data. Patient-Self Report Improved Access to own information
Improved access to health knowledge
More Activated Patient
Kahn, 2010 [46] HIV Yes IV 221 users registered cross sectional survey, access to PHR up to 21 months USA Tethered PHR with access to personal health data, ability to record own health data, access health information Patient Self-Report Better Pt-Provider Communication
Improved ability to self manage
More Activated Patient
McInnes, 2013 [47] HIV Yes IV 1871 patients Cross sectional survey and chart review USA Tethered PHR with access to personal health data, request medication renewal, reminders for preventive care, scheduling appointments, secure messaging Chart review, survey data from Veterans Aging Cohort Study Improved ability to self manage
Shade, 2014 [48] HIV Yes IV Unclear at site using PHR 12 month (6 pre and 6 post) study USA Standalone PHR with continuity of care patient summaries including HIV results; secure provider communication. Chart review Improved ability to self manage
Improved Disease Control
Wagner, 2012 [49] Hypertension No II 453 users RCT, PHR use up to 39 weeks (4 visits) USA Tethered PHR with secure messaging, access to personal health data, track personal health data, access to health information, care plan goal setting. Patient Self-Report, Chart review for blood pressure No change
Chiche, 2012 [50] Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) No III-2 43 patients 26 weeks France Standalone PHR with ability to record personal health data ITP patient assessment questionnaire No change
Miller, 2011 [51] Multiple Sclerosis No II 204 patients recruited RCT, 52 weeks USA Standalone PHR with ability to record personal health data and receive decision support (through MS Quality of Life Inventory) Sickness Impact Profile, MS Functional Composite, Control Subscale of the MS Self-Efficacy Scale No change
Seniors’ General Satisfaction and Physician Quality of Care
Euro-Quality of Life 5
Solomon, 2012 [18] Asthma, Hypertension, Diabetes Yes II 201 patients 12 week USA Tethered PHR with secure messaging and targeted health education weekly training modules. Patient Activation Measure 13 (PAM-13) Improved ability to self manage
Chart Review More Activated Patient
Sobko, 2011 [19] Diabetes, hypertension, lipids Yes IV 9504 Cohort study - chart review 6 month pre and 14 months post PHR deployment USA Tethered PHR with access to health record, secure communication, decision support, medication renewal Chart review: medication possession rates; A1c, blood pressure, lipids Improved ability to self manage
Improved Disease Control