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. 2015 Apr 28;17(1):110. doi: 10.1186/s13075-015-0621-6

Table 1.

Renal response criteria in global systemic lupus erythematosus scoring tools

Scale Time period Scoring Renal response criteria Strengths and criticisms [ 18 ]
Disease activity
SLEDAI-2K [45] 10 days • The presence of each of the renal manifestations adds 4 points to patient’s total score. • Urinary casts (heme-granular or RBC) ✓ Validated for clinical and research use
• Hematuria (>5 RBCs/hpf)   ○ Does not capture improving or worsening
• Proteinuria (>0.5 g/24 hours, new onset or increase of >0.5 g/24 hours)   ○ Must wait for labs to score
• Pyuria (>5 WBCs/hpf, excluding infection)
BILAG [46] One month • Category A (severe disease) = ≥2 of the following: • Blood pressure ✓ Incorporates an element of change
1. Proteinuria, defined as • Accelerated hypertension? ✓ Sensitive to small changes
  (a) urinary dipstick increased by 2 or more levels • Proteinuria (on either dipstick or 24-hour collection) ✓ Can identify if disease improving, stable, or worse
  (b) 24 urinary protein rising from <0.20 to >1 g   ○ >1 g/24 hours? ± scoring can be complex (computer program available)
  (c) 24 hour urinary protein rising from >1 g by 100%   ○ UPCR >100 mg/mmol?
  (d) newly documented proteinuria of >1 g • Nephrotic syndrome?   ○ Requires formal training
2. Accelerated hypertension • Creatinine   ○ Developed for research
3. Deteriorating kidney function, defined as • Creatinine clearance/GFR   ○ Up to 50 minutes to complete
  (a) plasma creatinine >130 μmol/L and having risen to >130% • Active urinary sediment (>5 WBCs/hfp, >5 RBCs/hpf, or RBC casts)   ○ Must wait for labs to score
  (b) creatinine clearance fallen to <67% of previous value • Histologic evidence of nephritis in the previous 3 months? (excludes sclerosis)
  (c) creatinine clearance <50 mL/min, and last time was >50 mL/min or was not measured
4. Active urinary sediment
5. Histological evidence of active nephritis
• Category B (moderate disease) = one of the following:
1. Any one of the category A criteria above
2. Proteinuria
  (a) urinary dipstick which has risen by 1+ or >2+
  (b) 24-hour urinary protein rising from >1 g by >50% but <100%
3. Plasma creatinine >130 μmol/L and having risen 115%
ECLAM One month • 0.5 points for each renal criteria present • Proteinuria ≥500 mg/day ✓ Derived from a large number of real patients and standardized data
• 2 extra points added if only kidney involvement • Urinary casts (RBCs, hemoglobin, granular, tubular, or mixed) ✓ Easy to administer and scor
• 2 points for evolving manifestations (if any renal symptom new or worse since last evaluation) • Hematuria (micro- or macro-scopic)   ○ Global score will miss changes in severity over time
• Raised serum creatinine or reduced creatinine clearance
SLAM-R One month • Hypertension (diastolic pressure, mm Hg) No specific renal response criteria but the following components are renal-related: ✓ Evaluates activity and severity
  - 0: <90 • Hypertension ✓ Computerized version available
  - 1: 90-104 • Raised serum creatinine or reduced creatinine clearance   ○ Lacks immunologic markers
  - 2: 105-114 • Severity of urine sediment analysis per high-power field   ○ Not used in major ongoing clinical trials
  - 3: >115
  - Unknown
• Serum creatinine or creatinine clearance (% normal)
  - 0: 0.5-1.0 or 80%-100%
  - 1: 1.4-2.0 or 60%-79%
  - 2: 2.1-4.0 or 30%-59%
  - 3: >4.0 or <30%
  - Not recorded
• Urine sediment
  - 0: normal
  - 1: 6-10 RBCs or WBCs OR 0-3 granular or non-RBC casts OR trace-1+ protein (<500 mg/L 24-hour urine protein)
  - 2: 11-25 RBCs or WBCs OR >3 granular or non-RBC casts OR 2-3+ protein (>500 mg to 3.5 g/L 24-hour urine protein)
  - 3: >25 RBCs or WBCs OR any RBC casts OR 4+ protein (>3.5 g/L 24-hour urine protein)
Disease damage
SLICC/ACR Damage Index [47] Cumulative damage index 1 point for satisfying GFR or proteinuria • Estimated or measured GFR <50% ✓ Ability to assess accumulated damage
3 points if ESKD • Proteinuria ≥3.5 g/24 hours ✓ Prognostic tool
• ESKD   ○ Recommended for clinical trials to describe population
  ○ Accuracy depends on information available

BILAG, British Isles Lupus Assessment Group Index; ECLAM, European Consensus Lupus Activity Measurement; ESKD, end-stage kidney disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; hpf, high-power field; RBC, red blood cell; SLAM-R, Systemic Lupus Activity measure-revised; SLEDAI-2 K, systemic lupus erythematosus Disease activity index- 2K; SLICC/ACR, Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics/American College of Rheumatology; UPCR, urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio; WBC, white blood cell.