1 Compare with others |
12 Flight tendency |
23 Social trashing |
2 Play down |
13 Social retreat |
24 Pressure to succed |
3 Guilt defense |
14 Rumination |
25 Lack of work satisfaction |
4 Distraction from situation |
15 Resignation |
26 Excessive demands at work |
5 Substitutional satisfaction |
16 Self-pity |
27 Lack of social recognition |
6 Ego boost |
17 Self-accusation |
28 Social stress |
7 Situational control |
18 Aggression |
29 Social isolation |
8 Reaction control |
19 Self- medication/ use of drugs |
30 Chronic worrying |
9 Positive self- instruction |
20 Total of positive coping strategies |
31 Total value for chronicle stress |
10 Need for social support |
21 Total of negative positive coping strategies |
11 Avoidance |
22 Overwork |