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. 2015 Apr 27;13(Suppl 7):97–109. doi: 10.4137/CIN.S16344

Table 2.

GPU applications for bioinformatics.

Alignment CUSHAW110 Short read alignment based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT111) and the Ferragina-Manzini index112
SOAP3-dp113 Short read alignment based on BWT with native BAM support
Proteomics FastPaSS114 Spectra matching using spectral library searching implemented in CUDA
Tempest115 Spectral matching using GPU-CPU
Motif Discovery GPUmotif116 Motif scan and de novo motif finding using GPU
Epigenetics GPU-BSM117 GPU based tool for mapping whole genome bisulfite sequencing reads and estimating methylation levels
Systems Biology (see Ref.118 for a review) ABC-SysBio119 Simulate models written in the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML120) format
PMCGPU121,122 Parallel simulators for Membrane Computing on the GPU
Genome-wide Inference permGPU123 Permutation resampling analysis for binary, quantitative, and censored time-to-event outcomes