(A) Schematic showing that checkpoint release by the first aligned spindle
hurries the slower prometaphases into anaphase in a syncytium.
(B–G) Mitotic progress was visualized in real time by following H2AvD-GFP
produced from a transgene (B, D–G), or from injected mRNA (C). Frames
from videos at the indicated times (min:s) show mitosis 13 beginning at
prometaphase. The time lapse to the beginning of chromosome separation reveals
the timing of metaphase-anaphase in the different genotypes and injected
embryos. Scale bar, 5 mμ.
(H) Comparison of metaphase duration. SAC-deficient embryos did not differ
significantly from wild-type (unpaired t test, control versus
mad2p: p = 0.0752; control
versus mad2p+bubR1ΔKEN: p =
0.0929). Changing the levels of particular cyclins had a cyclin-type-specific
effect on metaphase duration. No obvious metaphase was seen in Cyclin A- and
B-depleted embryos (star), whereas a prolonged metaphase was observed when the
level of Cyclin A and B was increased by mRNA injection (unpaired t test, p
< 0.0001). Knockdown of Cyclin B3 extended metaphase (unpaired t test, p
< 0.0001), and Cyclin B3 mRNA injection slightly shortened metaphase
(unpaired t test, p = 0.0124). Error bars represent the SD.