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Table 4. Mean and standard deviations (SD) of surface swab counts in studied ambulance before and after patient services.

Surface swabs collected from Before patient services After patient services p-value
Number of samples Mean±SD cfu/cm2 Number of samples Mean±SD cfu/cm2
Stethoscope 44 0.8±0.9 44 1.7±1.7 0.002*
Oxygen flow knob 44 0.3±0.5 44 1.6±1.9 0.003*
Long spinal boards 18 0.3±0.4 18 1.0±1.4 0.063W
Stretchers 60 0.2±0.3 60 0.7±1.2 0.010*
Air-flow fins 60 0.6±0.7 60 1.6±1.6 <0.001*
Total 226 0.8±0.7 226 1.3±1.1 <0.001*

* Statistical significance by paired t-test at p=0.050

WNo statistical significance by Wilcoxon at p=0.050

Remark: No surface swab samples had bacterial counts more than the recommended count (≤5cfu/cm2).