Fig. 4.
Effects of substitutions in Region 2.4 of σ32 in suppressing promoter mutations at positions −14 and −13. A. Effect of W108A σ32 and W108R σ32 on the groE promoter with single-base changes at the −14 or −13 positions.
B. Effect of E112A σ32 on groE and grpE promoters with single-base changes at the −13 position.
C. Effect of E112A σ32 on groE promoter with a single-base changes at positions −14, −15 and −16. β-galactosidase activity driven by each σ32 variant from mutant groE or grpE promoters is shown as a percentage of β-galactosidase activity driven by each σ32 variant from the wt promoter. Assay strains are as described in Fig. 1A. Below the x-axis, mutation and position indicate the base change at the different promoter positions; promoter indicates the groE or grpE promoter; σ32 indicates the σ32 wt or mutant derivative. All values are averages of at least three independent experiments; error bars indicate one standard deviation.