Table 2.
Body weight, degree of stenosis, PRA, renal vascular resistance, ET-1 levels (renal vein blood stenotic kidney), excretion of nephrin (urine), and renal cortical and medullary volumes (means±SEMs) in normal pigs (n=7), RVD pigs (n=7), and RVD pigs before PTRAS and treatment with ET-A (n=7) and ET-A/B (n=5) receptor blockers
Parameter | Normal | RVD+PTRAS | RVD+PTRAS+ET-A | RVD+PTRAS+ET-A/B |
Body weight (kg) | 55.6±1.8 | 59.2±2.3 | 48.4±7.5 | 59.5±2.7 |
Degree of stenosis (%) | 0.0±0.0 | 6.7±3.7 | 9.6±5.2 | 10.6±5.8 |
PRA (ng/ml per hour) | 0.23±0.05 | 0.28±0.04 | 0.29±0.02 | 0.26±0.09 |
RVR (mmHg/ml per minute) | 0.19±0.06 | 0.25±0.04 | 0.17±0.08a | 0.39±0.07b,c,d |
ET-1 (pg/ml) | 0.91±0.05 | 2.6±0.5b | 2.2±0.2b | 8.7±0.6b,c,d |
Nephrin (μg/ml urine) | 0.4±0.2 | 3.2±0.6b | 1.1±0.4c | 2.7±0.6b,d |
Cortical volume (cc) | 114.7±4.0 | 94.1±1.2b | 118.9±21.6c | 91.1±10.1a,b |
Medullary volume (cc) | 32.9±1.3 | 29.4±2.7 | 35.7±7.9 | 23.8±3.7b,c,d |
Parameters were obtained 4 weeks after PTRAS and placebo/ET receptor blocker therapy at 10 weeks. RVR, renal vascular resistance.
P>0.05 but P<0.10 versus RVD+PTRAS or RVD+PTRAS+ET-A (trend).
P<0.05 versus normal.
P<0.05 versus RVD+PTRAS.
P<0.05 versus RVD+PTRAS+ET-A.