(a) Schematic of the PtIr wire (diameter d = 100 μm,
electrical conductivity σ = 4.0·106 S/m) and the two-layer RTS design (electrical conductivity
σ1 and σ2, permittivity
ε1 and ε2, length
L1 and L2) used for the study. (b) Equivalent
circuit used to model the RTS implant with four sections: stimulator, two
layer transmission line, and electrode/tissue interface. The incident RF
field induces currents along the implants, which are reflected depending on
neighboring sections mismatched impedance (Z0, Z1,
Z2, and ZL). The resulting voltage amplitude at
each interface (V0, V1, and V2) was
generated by the induced current. (c) RF-induced currents along the two
leads. The current in the metallic conductor forms a standing wave with high
peaks in amplitude (Iw); conversely, the effect of RTS design is
two-fold: a) reduces the average induced currents (IRTS) along
the implant by worsening the antenna performance, and b) reduces the induced
current at the electrode (ΔI) by introducing scattering within
the implant. (d) CAD Model used in the numerical simulations, including a
16-leg high-pass birdcage body coil with RF shield, coil former and ASTM
phantom. (e) 3 D plot of electric field magnitude at the Larmor
frequency (f0 = 128 MHz) in the ASTM phantom model
used in the simulations. Results were normalized to a power level yielding a
whole-body SAR = 2 W/kg (i.e., Normal Operating Mode41). (f) Placement of lead inside the phantom. The location was
chosen because of the high magnitude of incident electric field.