Figure 11.
Differences between ST and DTI vary depending on cardiac location and are stable over time. Results are presented by region (lateral, septal) showing the deviation between the ST and the corresponding DTI eigenvector orientations pairs (of v 1 ST e 1 DTI, v 2 ST e 2 DTI and v 3 ST e 3 DTI ), and the difference between the associated vector elevation and transverse angles. Side A (left) of each histogram are angles from comparison of ST to a DTI image taken in the 2 hours BEFORE the FLASH (Scan #7). Side B are from comparison of ST to a DTI image taken in the 2 hours AFTER the FLASH (Scan #9). DTI: 6-direction, b = 1000 s/mm2; ST: Scan #8, DTW = 3, STW = 3. FLASH: fast low angle shot; ST: structure tensor of FLASH data; DTI: diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging; DTW: derivative template width STW: smoothing template width. The symbols for vectors and derived angles are defined in Table 2. The corresponding distributions for the posterior and anterior ROI are in Additional file 8: Figure DS4.