Table 1.
Invertebrate ALDH1L1 and vertebrate ALDH1L1 and ALDH1L2 genes and proteins.
Animal | Species | Gene | RefSeq ID 1 Prediction | GenBank ID | 2 Exons (strand) | Gene Size (bp) | Amino acids | Localization | Leader peptide |
Human | Homo sapiens | ALDH1L1 | NM_012190.3 | AF052732 | 22 (−ve) | 57,186 | 902 | cytosol | NA |
Human | Homo sapiens | ALDH1L2 | NM_001034173.3 | BC103934 | 23 (−ve) | 60,010 | 923 | mitochondria | 1….20 |
Mouse | Mus musculus | Aldh1l1 | NM_027406.1 | BC024055 | 22 (+ve) | 41,715 | 902 | cytosol | NA |
Mouse | Mus musculus | Aldh1l2 | NM_153543.2 | BC034531 | 23 (−ve) | 43,433 | 923 | mitochondria | 1….20 |
Chicken | Gallus gallus | ALDH1L2 | XP_416314.21 | NA | 23 (+ve) | 27,506 | 922 | mitochondria | 1….20 |
Lizard | Anolis carolinensis | ALDH1L2 | XP_003220962.11 | NA | 23 (−ve) | 30,373 | 924 | mitochondria | 1….20 |
Frog | Xenopus tropicalis | ALDH1L1 | NM_001011027.1 | BC082822 | 22 (+ve) | 16,496 | 902 | cytosol | NA |
Frog | Xenopus tropicalis | ALDH1L2 | XP_002938116.11 | NA | 23 (+ve) | 27,966 | 924 | mitochondria | 1….33 |
Zebra fish | Danio rerio | ALDH1L1 | NM_001198772.1 | NA | 22 (+ve) | 27,616 | 904 | cytosol | NA |
Zebra fish | Danio rerio | ALDH1L2 | XP_002661418.21 | NA | 22 (+ve) | 19,873 | 923 | mitochondria | 1….44 |
Shark | Callorhinchus milii | ALDH1L1 | XP_007888551.11 | NA | 22 (−ve) | 15,784 | 901 | cytosol | NA |
Shark | Callorhinchus milii | ALDH1L2 | XP_007907882.11 | JW862169 | 23 (+ve) | 27,862 | 922 | mitochondria | 1….19 |
Sea squirt | Ciona intestinalis | ALDH1L1a | XP_002130073.1 | NA | 17 (+ve) | 7,083 | 898 | cytosol | NA |
Sea squirt | Ciona intestinalis | ALDH1L1b | XP_002130073.2 | NA | 18 (+ve) | 7,339 | 921 | mitochondria | 1….12 |
Sea urchin | S. purpuratus | ALDH1L1 | XP_784777.31 | NA | 22 (−ve) | 25,243 | 927 | mitochondria | 1….18 |
Sea hare | Aplysia californica | ALDH1L1 | XP_005090853.11 | NA | 23 (+ve) | 19,195 | 900 | cytosol | NA |
Trichoplax | Trichoplax adhaerens | ALDH1L1 | XP_002111368.11 | NA | NA | NA | 921 | mitochondria | 1….18 |
Worm | Caenorhabditis elegans | ALDH1L1 | NM_069653.6 | NA | 7 (+ve) | 3,128 | 908 | cytosol | NA |
Round worm | Caenorhabditis brenneri | ALDH1L1 | GL379933.11 | EGT36278.1 | 7 (−ve) | 3,102 | 908 | cytosol | NA |
Fruit fly | Drosophila melanogaster | ALDH1L1 | NP_610107.1 | CG8665 | 2 (+ve) | 3,149 | 913 | cytosol | NA |
Mosquito | Anopheles gambiae | ALDH1L1 | XP_318614.31 | NA | 2 (−ve) | 2,820 | 916 | cytosol | NA |
House fly | Musca domestica | ALDH1L1 | XP_005181895.11 | NA | NA | NA | 912 | cytosol | NA |
Bee | Apis mellifera | ALDH1L1 | XM_6237951 | NA | 6 (−ve) | 3,404 | 900 | cytosol | NA |
Butterfly | Danaus plexippus | ALDH1L1 | NA | EHJ79154.1 | NA | NA | 927 | cytosol | NA |
Water flea | Daphnia pulex | ALDH1L1 | NA | EFX71787.1 | NA | NA | 924 | cytosol | NA |
Wasp | Nasonia vitripennis | ALDH1L1 | XP_001602871.11 | NA | NA | NA | 902 | cytosol | NA |
Beetle | Tribolium castanaem | ALDH1L1 | XP_969916.11 | NA | NA | NA | 915 | cytosol | NA |
Ant | Camponotus floridanus | ALDH1L1 | ENF71966.11 | NA | NA | NA | 900 | cytosol | NA |
Termite | Zootermopsis nevadensis | ALDH1L1 | KDR07781.11 | NA | NA | NA | 922 | mitochondria | 1….21 |
RefSeq refers to the NCBI reference sequence;
predicted NCBI sequence;
the number of translatable exons is shown; NA, not available; “bp” refers to base pairs of nucleotide sequence; the length of the predicted mitochondrial leader sequence is shown.