ETV1 overexpression alters prostatic gene expression. a Two unique pools of DLP RNA from each group were analyzed by qRT-PCR. Expression of the AR target genes Pbsn, Tmprss2, Nkx3-1, and Clu was normalized to Actb expression and plotted relative to the intact hAR
12Q group using the 2-ddCt method. Mean +/− SEM are plotted. b Principal component analysis was performed for all genes among the 16 individual RNA-seq libraries. hAR
12Q and hAR
48Q mice are represented as triangles and circles, respectively. Green, red, and blue represent intact non-transgenic, intact transgenic, and castrated transgenic mice, respectively. c RNA-seq analysis was performed on DLP RNA. Samples from intact groups were divided into three unique RNA pools for library construction (two unique pools for castrated groups). Heatmaps include differentially expressed genes between the groups shown (FDR ≤ 0.05). Individual libraries are shown for differentially expressed genes among intact hAR
Tg vs. hAR
12Q (1145 up, 757 down) or intact hAR
Tg vs. hAR
48Q (2419 up, 2028 down). Red and blue represent high or low expression, respectively, relative to the mean expression level in the samples shown. Columns and rows represent samples and genes, respectively. d Overlap between genes differentially expressed in hAR
Tg and hAR
Tg is illustrated by Venn diagram