Figure 8. Ghrelin and Weight changes after Bariatric Arterial Embolization (BAE).
Reprinted with permission from: Paxton BE, Kim CY, Alley CL, Crow JH, Balmadrid B, Keith CG, et al. Bariatric embolization for suppression of the hunger hormone ghrelin in a porcine model. Radiology. 2013;266(2):471-9.
(A) Box plot shows mean serum ghrelin level change from baseline after the procedure (BAE) over the 8-week study in six control swine and six experimental BAE) swine. Bottom and top of boxes represent 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. Horizontal line near the middle of boxes is the 50th percentile. Ends of whiskers represent sample minimum and maximum. (B) Box plot shows mean weight change from baseline after the procedure over the 8-week study in six control swine and six experimental swine. Bottom and top of boxes represent 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. Horizontal line near the middle of the boxes is the 50th percentile. Ends of whiskers represent sample minimum and maximum.