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. 2015 Apr 28;8:252. doi: 10.1186/s13071-015-0863-9

Table 5.

Altered immune transcripts

GeneID Descr LBM/SBM LBM SBM pval
AAEL017555-RA Clip-domain serine protease, family B 2.62 152 58 0
AAEL003832-RA Defensin-C Precursor 0.14 43.7 322 0
AAEL014950-RA Spaetzle-likecytokine. 0.13 42.8 317 0
AAEL000625-RA Cecropin,Anti-Microbial Peptide. 0.04 1.8 51 0.01
AAEL000621-RA Cecropin,Anti-Microbial Peptide. 0.09 7.3 81 0.01
AAEL008596-RA Spaetzle-likecytokine. Spaetzle 2 0.15 33.7 226 0.02
AAEL006936-RB conserved hypothetical protein 1.14 369.5 323 0.02
AAEL009474-RA PeptidoglycanRecognition Protein (Short) 1.09 666.2 609 0.03
AAEL004833-RA Diptericin,Anti-Microbial Peptide. 1.16 100.1 86 0.04
GeneID Descr lnbf/snbf LNBF SNBF pval
AAEL000625-RA Cecropin,Anti-Microbial Peptide. 0.02 5.4 216 0
AAEL000621-RA Cecropin,Anti-Microbial Peptide. 0.02 13.7 555 0
AAEL000896-RA conserved hypothetical protein (DRVF2) 0.08 16.2 204 0
AAEL000611-RA Cecropin, Anti-Microbial Peptide. 0.03 28.9 1090 0
AAEL000709-RB TOLLpathway signalling. 0.31 1959 6338 0.01
AAEL010171-RA PeptidoglycanRecognition Protein (Long) 0.2 60.7 306 0.01
AAEL015515-RA Cecropin,Anti-Microbial Peptide. 0.02 1 55 0.01
AAEL000627-RA Cecropin-A Precursor 0.04 2.4 57 0.02
AAEL001435-RA Spaetzle-likecytokine. 0.24 29.9 123 0.04
AAEL000598-RA Cecropin,Anti-Microbial Peptide. 0.05 2.4 46 0.04
AAEL009074-RA AeIAP1 0.97 5866.4 6033 0.032 0.39 3365.8 8661 0.036
ORL Strain
GeneID Descr LBM/SBM LBM SBM pval lnbf/snbf LNBF SNBF pval
AAEL000611-RA Cecropin, Anti-Microbial Peptide. 0.31 11.8 38 0.535 0.03 28.9 1090 0
AAEL015515-RA Cecropin,Anti-Microbial Peptide. 0.36 1.8 5 1.000 0.02 1 55 0.01
AAEL000621-RA Cecropin,Anti-Microbial Peptide. 0.09 7.3 81 0.01 0.02 13.7 555 0
AAEL014382-RA C-Type lectin (CTL) - mannose binding. 1.91 1691.8 885 0.000 0.59 264.3 447 0.436
AAEL005431-RA Clip-domain serine protease, family B. 0.74 1227.7 1650 0.332 0.36 671.6 1843 0.087
AAEL004758-RA pupal cuticle protein, putative 0.31 87.4 284 0.314 1.09 189.4 174 0.551
BKK strain
AAEL007585-RA cathepsin b 2.11 479528.7 226786 0.012 1.12 209.5 187 0.657
AAEL012216-RA cathepsin b 2.03 362986.9 178678 0.019 0.99 149.3 151 0.817
AAEL015312-RA cathepsin b 1.31 820126.8 623994 0.254 1.14 371.0 326 0.797
AAEL009642-RA cathepsin b 1.51 74103.0 48932 0.045 0.74 384.3 522 0.835
AAEL013417-RA fibrinogen and fibronectin 0.30 2380.8 7960 0.340 0.59 361.7 614 0.556
AAEL000726-RA fibrinogen and fibronectin 0.23 1.8 8 0.886 1.47 1.5 1 1.000
AAEL008646-RA fibrinogen and fibronectin 1.52 1256.8 829 0.016 1.04 1274.6 1224 0.671
AAEL013498-RA Prophenoloxidase 0.51 1698.2 3304 0.994 1.41 831.7 588 0.656
AAEL015116-RA prophenoloxidase 0.68 1953.9 2865 0.658 1.32 776.8 588 0.612
AAEL014755-RA tep2 0.73 3007.8 4141 0.209 0.46 6831.9 14889 0.104