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. 2015 Apr 23;9(3):131–142. doi: 10.1111/irv.12306

Table 1.

Percentage of persons reporting preventive behaviors against novel influenza A (H1N1) by racial/ethnic group: uncontrolled comparisons

Variables All Respondents White African American Hispanic Asian AI/AN
% (n = 2355) % (n = 1123) % (n = 330) % (n = 317) % (n = 268) %( n = 262)
Hygiene-related behaviors
 Washed hands more frequently* 82 80 87 86 86 81
 Used hand sanitizer more frequently* 71 70 81 74 68 75
 More frequently covered mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or sneezing* 67 63 80 77 70 79
 More frequently coughed or sneezed into elbow or shoulder* 61 60 59 68 59 70
 Tried to keep from touching eyes, nose, or mouth* 60 58 68 63 57 58
 More frequently cleaned or disinfected home or workspace* 48 40 66 69 45 59
 Used additional or stronger cleaners or disinfectants than normally used* 20 15 33 37 20 31
Social distancing behaviors
 Took any steps to avoid being near someone who has flu-like symptoms* 68 68 74 70 64 74
 Avoided places where many people are gathered together* 19 15 21 32 27 17
 Avoided air travel*,§ 16 12 20 30 21 28
 Limited use of public transportation, buses and trains*, 14 10 22 29 18 23
Healthcare-related behaviors
 Talked to doctor, nurse, or other health professional about what could be done to protect self or family from H1N1* 38 34 47 48 43 47
 Recieved prescription for or purchased antivirals, such as Tamiflu or Relenza * 10 9 11 18 12 9
 Took vitamins or herbal supplements beyond usual amount * 17 14 25 29 20 20
 Recieved the H1N1 influenza vaccine for themselves since it became available in October 2009 23 24 22 22 28 30
 Recieved the seasonal influenza vaccine for themselves since September 2009 41 43 30 37 42 42

Findings in bold are statistically significantly different from whites at P < 0·05.


% saying since the beginning of the H1N1 outbreak in April 2009, they have, at any point, done the following in response to H1N1.

% saying they had recieved the H1N1 influenza vaccine since it first became available in October 2009.

% saying they had recieved the seasonal influenza vaccine since September 2009.


Among % saying they traveled by air prior to H1N1.

Among % saying used public transportation prior to H1N1.

American Indian/Alaska Native.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure