Table 1.
Percentage of persons reporting preventive behaviors against novel influenza A (H1N1) by racial/ethnic group: uncontrolled comparisons
Variables | All Respondents | White | African American | Hispanic | Asian | AI/AN∥ |
% (n = 2355) | % (n = 1123) | % (n = 330) | % (n = 317) | % (n = 268) | %( n = 262) | |
Hygiene-related behaviors | ||||||
Washed hands more frequently* | 82 | 80 | 87 | 86 | 86 | 81 |
Used hand sanitizer more frequently* | 71 | 70 | 81 | 74 | 68 | 75 |
More frequently covered mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or sneezing* | 67 | 63 | 80 | 77 | 70 | 79 |
More frequently coughed or sneezed into elbow or shoulder* | 61 | 60 | 59 | 68 | 59 | 70 |
Tried to keep from touching eyes, nose, or mouth* | 60 | 58 | 68 | 63 | 57 | 58 |
More frequently cleaned or disinfected home or workspace* | 48 | 40 | 66 | 69 | 45 | 59 |
Used additional or stronger cleaners or disinfectants than normally used* | 20 | 15 | 33 | 37 | 20 | 31 |
Social distancing behaviors | ||||||
Took any steps to avoid being near someone who has flu-like symptoms* | 68 | 68 | 74 | 70 | 64 | 74 |
Avoided places where many people are gathered together* | 19 | 15 | 21 | 32 | 27 | 17 |
Avoided air travel*,§ | 16 | 12 | 20 | 30 | 21 | 28 |
Limited use of public transportation, buses and trains*,¶ | 14 | 10 | 22 | 29 | 18 | 23 |
Healthcare-related behaviors | ||||||
Talked to doctor, nurse, or other health professional about what could be done to protect self or family from H1N1* | 38 | 34 | 47 | 48 | 43 | 47 |
Recieved prescription for or purchased antivirals, such as Tamiflu or Relenza * | 10 | 9 | 11 | 18 | 12 | 9 |
Took vitamins or herbal supplements beyond usual amount * | 17 | 14 | 25 | 29 | 20 | 20 |
Recieved the H1N1 influenza vaccine for themselves since it became available in October 2009† | 23 | 24 | 22 | 22 | 28 | 30 |
Recieved the seasonal influenza vaccine for themselves since September 2009‡ | 41 | 43 | 30 | 37 | 42 | 42 |
Findings in bold are statistically significantly different from whites at P < 0·05.
% saying since the beginning of the H1N1 outbreak in April 2009, they have, at any point, done the following in response to H1N1.
% saying they had recieved the H1N1 influenza vaccine since it first became available in October 2009.
% saying they had recieved the seasonal influenza vaccine since September 2009.
Among % saying they traveled by air prior to H1N1.
Among % saying used public transportation prior to H1N1.
American Indian/Alaska Native.