Figure 5.
Clustering of the complete time series data set. (A) The unperturbed microbiomes of the subjects were stable except for the Alien samples, which showed a decline of the Shannon diversity index upon antibiotics treatment (d376–392) while the bowel cleanse (d630–637) had no detectable effect. The separation of the post-antibiotics from the pre-antibiotics samples along the first principal coordinate (PC1) based on Jensen-Shannon divergence distances was significantly correlated with the decline of the Shannon diversity index (dotted line, P-value = 3.9e−14) (A, lower panel) and explained the separate clustering of pre-and post-treatment samples (A, upper panel and (B)). (C) The unperturbed gut microbiome was highly personal and when omitting the post-antibiotics samples, all subjects that collected time series samples over up to two years can be resolved.