Fig. 3.
Classification analysis of corticostriatal fibers in macaque and human. A: corticostriatal terminations in macaque (top) and human (bottom), pooled across hemispheres displayed on left-right (L-R) side views of caudate and putamen. Opaque colors indicate fiber termination zones based on group probability maps thresholded at P > 0.2. Arrows show orientation. B: distribution of corticostriatal connectivity and striatal volumes along the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis. Line charts show probability densities of total striatal volume along the A-P axis for macaque (dashed lines) and human (solid lines). The total area under the line charts represents the total striatal volume. Area charts show probability densities of corticostriatal connectivity along the A-P axis for macaque (vertically striped areas) and human (horizontally striped areas). For comparison across species and striatal regions, volume and fiber termination densities were normalized, so that the area under the line charts is equal to 1.