Category 1 contains all RPLs that, when targeted, have little to no effect on cell viability and protein synthesis inhibition. These are also the proteins that do not participate in the RP-MDM2-p53 pathway. Category 2 contains all RPLs that, when targeted, decrease cell viability and inhibit protein synthesis. These are proteins that participate in the RP-MDM2-p53 pathway. Based on differences in effect on p53 stabilization, category 2 RPLs can be further grouped into 2A, those that induce the RP-MDM2-p53 pathway, and 2B, those that enable the RP-MDM2-p53 pathway. Most, if not all, RPLs of the second category could be grouped into either those that induce or enable the RP-MDM2-p53 pathway but only a subset was studied in detail, so the remaining cannot be conclusively categorized without further study. Highlighted in blue, green, and red are validated components of categorys 1, 2A, and 2B, respectively, from this study.