Prodifferentiating properties of histamine are NADPH oxidase/NOX2 dependent. (A) Human monocytes were cultured in the presence or absence of histamine for 3–6 d with IL-4 and GM-CSF (DC) or without growth factors (MO). The levels of intracellular ROS were determined by a flow-based DCFDA assay and are displayed as MFI. The p values were obtained using the Student paired t test. (B) Expression of CD86 (MFI) after culture of human monocytes with IL-4/GM-CSF in the presence or absence of histamine or the extracellular ROS scavenger catalase. (C–E) Results of experiments in which WT PLB cells and NOX2-def PLB cells (NOX2 KO) were cultured for 3–6 d with GM-CSF in the presence or absence of histamine. (C) MFI of CD11b expression. Percentage of CD11b+ cells (D) and CD14+ cells (E). The p values in (B)–(E) were obtained using repeated-measures ANOVA and the Bonferroni post hoc test; the medians and quartiles are indicated by boxes, and the error bars show the minimum to maximum values. (F) Representative line graphs of PLB cell expression of CD11b (MFI). (G) Representative line graphs of CD11b expression (MFI) of WT and NOX2-def cell lines differentiated in the presence or absence of 1% DMSO (one representative experiment of three). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.