DBD827 can access higher stoichiometry on DNA and it is regulated by the latch and tox regions.
a, EMSA targeting the protein-DNA complexes as a function of -fold excess of the DBD827, DBD827/ΔLatch, and DBD827/ΔTox for 2 μm unlabeled TeloA, RPG, HMRE, and TeloS. b, change in relative total fluorescence intensity as a function of DBD827/DNA ratio for 255 nm TeloA (gray) or HMRE (black) FAM-labeled at the 3′-end. Inset, same data for the DBD615 construct. c, change in relative total fluorescence intensity for 255 nm HMRE (FAM-labeled at the 3′-end) for the three different DBD827 constructs.