Figure 4.
Expression Analysis of ELP Reporter Genes
(A and B) ELP6p::VENUS:ELP6 expression (yellow) in developing true leaf (A) and primary root meristem (B) at 6 DAG.
(C) Cytoplasmic distribution of ELP6p::VENUS:ELP6 in root meristem stele cells. Areas with reduced signal intensities represent nuclei. Seedlings were stained with PI (red) to visualize cell and organ boundaries.
(D) Expression of 35S::YFP:ELP3 (yellow signals) in 6-day-old Col-0 root meristem cells results in cytoplasmic and additional nuclear signals.
(E) 35S::YFP:ELP3 root meristem epidermis cells (6 DAG) displaying pronounced cytoplasmic signals. To visualize nuclei, seedlings were fixed and counterstained with DAPI (blue).
(F) Expression of 35S::YFP:GCN5, encoding a nuclear-localized protein, in Col-0 root meristem cells under conditions identical to those in (D).
Size bars represent 100 μm (A), 50 μm (B, D, and F), and 10 μm (C and E).