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. 2015 Apr 16;11(4):516–526. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.03.054

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Elongator and AtRNL during Lateral Root Formation

(A and B) AtRNLp::GUS activity at early (A) and later (B) stages of lateral root development. Arrowheads point to early-stage lateral root primordium.

(C and D) ELP6p::VENUS:ELP6 expression (yellow) at early (C, white arrowhead) and later (D) stages of lateral root development. Roots were counterstained with PI to visualize cell boundaries.

(E–H) PIN1p::PIN1:GFP signals in Col-0 (E and G) and elp6mop2 (F and H) at early (E and F) and later (G and H) stages of lateral root development.

(I and J) Expression of PIN1p::PIN1:GFP in lateral roots of Col-0 (I) and RP40p::amiRNL-b (J).

(K) Number of lateral roots formed by Col-0, elp6mop2, and RP40p::amiRNL-b at 10 DAG (Student’s two-tailed t test; p < 0.001; n = 25–30 for each genotype and condition).

Size bars represent 15 μm (A), 50 μm (B, D, and E–J), and 25 μm (C). See also Figure S6.