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. 2015 Jan 30;12:9. doi: 10.1186/1743-0003-12-9

Table 2.

Participant and study characteristics

Authors Study SCI level Patient number Mean age (years) Mean delay since injury (months) Tasks Kinematic device EMG recording Table height Velocity
(range or SD) (range or SD)
Acosta et al. CC C5 2 48 (SD 2.6) NA Overheadi Optotrak™ No No table Comfortable
C6 3
Cacho et al. CC C6 11 30.5 (SD 6.5) 70.9 (SD 44.0) Grasping1 Qualisys™ No Elbow Comfortable
C7 9
Gronley et al. SC C6 15 33 (22 to 44) 108 (36 to 252) Overheadii VICON™ Inv No table Comfortable
Hoffmann et al. SC C6 9 28.7 (24 to 34) 30.5 (7 to 120) Grasping1 Fastrak™ No Elbow Comfortable
C7 2
Hoffmann et al. CC C6 8 30.4 (24 to 43) 25.4 (5 to 56) Reachinga Fastrak™ No Elbow Comfortable
C7 7 28.8 (24 to 36) 70.2 (7 to 262)
Jacquier-Bret et al. CC C6 5 39.6 (SD 9.7) NA Grasping2 Flocks of Birds™ Surf Elbow Comfortable
Koshland et al. CC C6 5 NA (25 to 37) NA (132 to 216) Reachingb Videotape recording Surf Elbow Quick
Laffont et al. SC C6 4 29 (26 to 34) 10 (5 to 19) Reachingc,d Fastrak™ No Elbow Comfortable
Maksimovic et al. CC C4 2 33.1 (3 to 60) 68.7 (12 to 144) Overheadiii Goniometer No No table Comfortable
C5 2
C6 5
C7 7
Mateo et al. CC C6 4 27.5 (SD 8.3) 68 (6 to 216) Reachingc VICON™ No Elbow Comfortable
Nunome et al. CC C7 5 32.6 (SD 2.4) NA (108 to 252) Basketball throw Videotape recording No No table Comfortable
C8 1
Popovic et Popovic CC C6 6 NA NA Reachingd Goniometer No Shoulder Comfortable
Robinson, Barton et al. CC C5 2 42.8 (SD 12.1) 183.3 (SD 126.9) Reachinge Qualisys™ No No table Comfortable
C6 8
C7 1
Robinson, Hayes et al. CC C6 5 39 (SD 9) 211.2 (SD 60.4) Reachingf Qualisys™ No Elbow Quick
Reft et hasan CC C7 1 25.8 (23 to 35) NA (36 to 92 ) Reachingg Selspot™ No No table Quick
T1 and T2 2
T4 2
Remy-Neris et al. CC C6 5 27.0 (SD 6.0) Chronic SCI Overheadiv VICON™ No No table Comfortable
Reyes-Guzman et al. CC C6 8 33.6 (SD 13.0) 8.5 (SD 2.2) Grasping5 Codamotion™ No Elbow Comfortable
C7 8 28.8 (SD 9.8) 7.5 (SD 1.9)
Wierzbicka et al. CC C5 7 40 (21 to 64) 149.3 (3.6 to 432) Elbow flexion Homemade Surf Shoulder Quick

Reaching: awith a pointer fixed at dorsum of the hand; bwith arm rolling on table and wrist splinted; ctarget on the table; dobject non specified; etargets at 5 locations of reachable space; fhand rolling over table with frictionless system; g2 targets set at ipsilateral shoulder level.

Grasping: 1a cone; 2a low mass cubic object; 3apple; 4vertical floppy disk; 5a glass.

Overhead movements: iShoulder flexion, abduction in frontal plane and in scapula plane with elbow extended; iiShoulder flexion and abduction and 4 ADL (consisting in drinking from an empty cup, flipping a lightswitch, hair combing, and reaching for the perineum.); iiiShoulder flexion and abduction; ivShoulder flexion with elbow extended or hand to nape of the neck.

Abbreviations: SCI Spinal cord injury, NA not available, SC series case, CC control case, ADL activity of daily life, Inv invasive, Surf surface.