Figure 6. Pharmacological activation of VDR expression in colon tumors.
A) Schematic of dosing procedure. Tumor bearing ApcΔ14/+ mice on the high vitamin D3 diet received four i.p. injections of panobinostat over a 3 day period (10 mg/kg, spaced approximately twelve hours apart). Control animals received injections of 5% dextrose as the vehicle control. Three hours after the final injection, colon tumors and adjacent normal tissue was obtained and assayed for VDR and p21 expression. B and C) VDR and p21 expression was activated by panobinostat in the tumors (B) and the adjacent normal tissue (C). VDR and p21 increases were significant in the tumors, and VDR activation was significant in the normal tissue (* p<0.05, ** p<0.01). Five animals were in each group.