Table C2.
Dependent Variable: High School IQ
| |||
(1) | (2) | (3) | |
Neuroplasticity Genes | 0.4423 (0.4344) | 0.3691 (0.4322) | −0.0627 (0.7926) |
Standardized Birth Weight | 5.0424*** (1.9317) | 5.3704*** (1.8856) | 5.7055** (2.6344) |
Standardized Birth Weight Sqr. | −0.1074 (0.1951) | −0.0690 (0.2256) | −0.1761 (0.2472) |
G × E | −0.8377** (0.4208) | −0.9231** (0.4158) | −0.9680* (0.5570) |
Controls | |||
Demographic and Family SES | Y | Y | Y |
Sibling Fixed Effects | N | N | Y |
Estimation | |||
Weighting by Prob. of Being in Sib Sample | N | Y | N |
| |||
N | 938 | 938 | 938 |
R Sqr. | 0.1368 | 0.1335 | 0.6981 |
Notes: (i) Neuroplasticity Genes is the additive genetic risk score of plastic alleles for APOE, BDNF, and COMT. G × E represents the interaction between our measure of neuroplasticity and standardized birth weight. (ii) Demographic and family controls include race, sex, birth year (age), birth order, mother’s education, father’s education, and a score for family SES in 1957. (vi) Standard errors are clustered at the family level with *, **, and *** representing significance at the 10, 5, and 1% significance level, respectively.