Table 1.
Patient characteristics at myomectomy.
Characteristics | Group 1a | Group 2b | Group 3c | Total |
Number of patients | N = 82 | N = 281 | N = 63 | N = 426 |
Age at myomectomy, yrs | 42.5 ± 5.0d | 36.5 ± 5.5 | 38.0 ± 4.9 | 37.9 ± 5.8 |
Smoking prior to surgery, n (%) | 16 (19.8) | 40 (14.3) | 13 (20.6) | 69 (16.3) |
Preexisting conditions, n (%)e | 36 (45.0) | 131 (47.1) | 24 (38.1) | 191 (45.4) |
Anemia | 15 (18.8) | 65 (23.4) | 8 (12.7) | 88 (20.9) |
Endometriosis | 10 (12.5) | 38 (13.7) | 8 (12.7) | 56 (13.3) |
Hypertension | 13 (16.3) | 22 (7.9) | 3 (4.8) | 38 (9.0) |
Diabetes | 1 (1.3) | 8 (2.9) | 1 (1.6) | 10 (2.4) |
Heart disease | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Other | 6 (7.5) | 13 (4.7) | 4 (6.3) | 23 (5.5) |
Reasons for seeking treatment, n (%)e | ||||
Fibroids | 68 (82.9) | 249 (88.6) | 52 (82.5) | 369 (86.6) |
Excessive menstrual bleeding | 49 (59.8) | 148 (52.7) | 23 (36.5) | 220 (51.6) |
Pain/pressure | 40 (48.8) | 152 (54.1) | 16 (25.4) | 208 (48.8) |
Frequent urination | 22 (26.8) | 62 (22.1) | 3 (4.8) | 87 (20.4) |
Infertility | 2 (2.4) | 40 (14.2) | 38 (60.3) | 80 (18.8) |
Painful intercourse | 18 (22.0) | 57 (20.3) | 5 (7.9) | 80 (18.8) |
Endometriosis | 8 (9.8) | 35 (12.5) | 7 (11.1) | 50 (11.7) |
Ovarian cyst | 6 (7.3) | 21 (7.5) | 4 (6.3) | 31 (7.3) |
Other | 1 (1.2) | 1 (.4) | 0 | 2 (.5) |
Symptoms with fibroids, n (%)e | ||||
Excessive menstrual bleeding | 39 (57.4) | 131 (52.6) | 22 (42.3) | 192 (52.0) |
Pain/pressure | 32 (47.1) | 130 (52.2) | 15 (28.9) | 177 (48.0) |
Infertility | 1 (1.5) | 36 (14.5) | 31 (59.6) | 68 (18.4) |
Bleeding and pain | 24 (35.3) | 84 (33.7) | 11 (21.2) | 119 (32.2) |
Bleeding, pain, and infertility | 0 | 14 (5.6) | 7 (14.1) | 21 (5.7) |
None of these | 11 (16.2) | 56 (22.5) | 12 (23.1) | 79 (21.4) |
≥2 fibroid surgeries, n (%) | 11 (13.4) | 42 (14.9) | 9 (14.3) | 62 (14.6) |
Prior pregnancy, n (%) | 56 (68.3) | 143 (50.9) | 29 (46.0) | 228 (53.5) |
Attempted but did not achieve pregnancy, n (%) | 12/58 (20.7) | 73/163 (44.8) | 24/34 (70.6) | 109/255 (42.8) |
Outcomes of prior pregnancies, n (%)e | ||||
Vaginal delivery ≥ 1 | 29 (51.8) | 42 (29.4) | 4 (13.8) | 75 (32.9) |
C-section ≥ 1 | 14 (25.0) | 41 (28.7) | 10 (34.5) | 65 (28.5) |
Miscarriage ≥ 1 | 8 (14.3) | 58 (40.6) | 17 (58.6) | 83 (36.4) |
Ectopic ≥ 1 | 1 (1.8) | 4 (2.8) | 2 (6.9) | 7 (3.0) |
Prior infertility treatments, n (%) | 8/56 (14.3) | 20/162 (12.3) | 9/34 (26.5) | 37/252 (14.7) |
aGroup 1 = desire to treat symptoms with no intention of becoming pregnant.
bGroup 2 = desire to treat symptoms and preserve ability to get pregnant in the future.
cGroup 3 = desire to improve current chance of pregnancy after myomectomy.
dData are mean ± standard deviation unless stated otherwise.
eData not mutually exclusive.