a, Schematic illustration of the Cas9/sgRNA-targeting sites in the POLR2A gene. Two single-guide RNA(sgRNA)-targeting sequences are shown and the protospacer-adjacent motif (PAM) sequences are highlighted in red. b, Efficiency of the Cas9-mediated cleavage of POLR2A in HCT116 cells measured by the Surveyor assay. c, Sequences of mutant POLR2A alleles in the cell colonies #14 and #5. PAM sequences are highlighted in red. Small deletions in the targeted region led to open reading frame shift, producing only a short stretch of the N-terminal peptide without any functional domains of POLR2A. d, Protein levels of POLR2A in POLR2Aneutral and POLR2Aloss HCT116 cells. e, Growth curves of POLR2Aneutral and POLR2Aloss HCT116 cells. f, Relative proliferation of POLR2Aneutral and POLR2Aloss cells treated with actinomycin D. g, Effect of POLR2A knockdown on the POLR2Aneutral and POLR2Aloss HCT116 cells. Experiments were performed as described in Extended Data Fig. 3c. **p < 0.01, ns: not significant. h, Dox-induced partial suppression of POLR2A inhibited the growth of POLR2Aloss HCT116 cells, but not of parental POLR2Aneutral HCT116 cells. Data are mean and s.d. of three independent experiments in the figure.