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. 2015 Apr 14;7(4):1273–1302. doi: 10.3390/toxins7041273

Table 3.

EAS gene distribution within and between Epichloë species.

Epichloë species a Host species Detection method b EAS gene variations (strains observed) c Reference
Epichloë amarillans Agrostis hyemalis GT, DG, G 0* (4), (ERV) (1) [24]
E. aotearoae Echinopogon ovatus G 0 (1) [24,43]
E. baconii Agrostis tenuis,Calamagrostis villosa GT, G 0* (3) [43]
E. brachyelytri Brachyelytrum erectum GT, G 0 (1), CC (3) [24]
E. bromicola Bromus erectus,Bromus benekenii,Bromus tomentellus,Agropyron hispidus GT, DG, G 0* (5) [43]
E. cabralii (H) Phleum alpinum Bromus laevipes G, GT 0 (1), (ERV) (2) [50]
E. canadensis (H) Elymus canadensis GT, DG CC (1), ERV (1) [43,47]
E. chisosa (H) Achnatherum eminens DG 0 (1) [43]
E. coenophiala (H) Lolium arundinaceum GT, DG 0* (11), ERV (12), ERV (39) [43,49,51]
E. elymi Elymus virginicus GT, G 0 (1), CC (1) [24]
E. festucae Festuca trachyphylla,Festuca rubra subsp.rubra,Lolium giganteum GT, G 0 (1), ERV (1), (ERV) (2) [24]
E. festucae var. lolii Lolium perenne GT, G ERV (2), (ERV) (1) [56,57]
E. festucae var. lolii x E. typhina (H) Lolium perenne DG ERV (1) [43,58]
E. funkii (H) Achnatherum robustum GT, DG CC (1) [43]
E. gansuensis Achnatherum inebrians G 0 (1) [24]
E. inebrians Achnatherum inebrians G EN, LAH (1) [24]
E. glyceriae Glyceria striata GT (ERV) (2) [24]
E. mollis Holcus mollis G ERV (1) [43]
E. occultans (H) Lolium sp. (2x) GT 0 (3) [43]
E. schardlii (H) Cinna arundinacea GT 0 (1) [59]
E. siegelii (H) Lolium pratense DG 0 (1) [43]
E. sylvatica Brachypodium sylvaticum GT 0 (2) [34]
E. typhina Lolium perenne,Dactylis glomerata G, GT 0 (3) [24,43]
E. typhina ssp. clarkii Holcus lanatus GT ERV (1) unpublished
E. typhina ssp. poae Poa nemoralis,Bromus laevipes GT, G 0 (3), ERV (1) [24,50]
E. uncinata (H) Lolium pratense DG 0 (1) [43]
E. sp. AroTG-2(H) Achnatherum robustum GT EN (1) [10]
E. sp. BlaTG-3(H) Bromus laevipes GT 0* (1), CC (2) [50]
E. sp. FaTG-2(H) Lolium sp. (6x) GT, DG ERV (10), ERV (33) [43,49,51,60]
E. sp. FaTG-3(H) Lolium sp. (6x), (8X) GT, DG 0 (11) [43,51,60]
E. sp. FaTG-4(H) Lolium sp. (10x) GT, DG ERV (1), ERV (11) [43,51]
E. sp. FcaTG-1(H) Festuca campestris GT 0 (3) unpublished
E. sp. FveTG-1(H) Festuca versuta GT 0 (2) unpublished
E. sp. PalTG-1(H) Poa alsodes GT 0* (1) unpublished
E. sp. PauTG-1(H) Poa autumnalis GT 0 (1) unpublished

a Endophytes that are known hybrids = (H); b Detection methods for the EAS genes DG = draft genome, G = genome, GT = PCR-based genotyping; c Number of independent strains evaluated. Alkaloids are abbreviated CC = chanoclavine I, ERV = ergovaline, EN = ergonovine, LAH = lysergic acid α-hydroxyethylamide, and are in bold face (product produced) or regular type (product predicted but not yet tested), or in parentheses (product predicted but undetected). 0 = No EAS genes identified, 0* = contains only remnants of EAS clusters; 0 and 0* are unable to produce ergot alkaloids.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure